
02 Mar

SCAN JAMAICA – Service, Culture, Adventure, Nature 2015 JAMAICA TEEN TOUR SUMMER CAMP

Join Tammy Hart, director of Good Hope Kids Camp, and Lynda Lee Burks, director of Jamaica Tour Society on an 8 day/7 Night adventure in Jamaica! Immerse yourself in Jamaica’s culture as we trek unspoiled nature, always with a spirit of inquiry and exploration, and a commitment to be of service.

03 Jul

Birds Sing Sweetly for Paddy Cunningham Birding Adventurers

This tour was a wild card and I was looking forward to playing it. The Birding Tour Operator I worked with did not know me and I did not know her. We met by me making a cold call to Paddy Cunningham Birding Adventures, based in Miami – asking Paddy if she might be interested in following on the heels of a terrific New York City Audubon trip I’d just produced. Paddy, bless her, took a leap and successfully gathered 7 wonderful birdwatchers, from random places in the United States, many of whom had traveled with her before.

24 May

Cunha Cunha Pass - Hiking Blue Mountains, with Family & Friends

It was Tammy’s birthday, and she wanted to be hiking in the Blue Mountains, with Family and close Friends. We were a group of Jamaicans, and none of us had ever hiked the Cunha Cunha Pass, a 5.5 mile mountain trail, which was first used by the Windward Maroons, (Taino and Africans who ran away to the mountains rather than stay as slaves).

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