Paddy Cunningham Birding Adventures

"I absolutely LOVED the trip. Far exceeded my expectations. I have been to Costa Rica, Panama and Trinidad and have had great guides and gotten the birds we hoped for, but I have never had such an unique time on a bird trip. As Janis said authentic Jamaican experiences. David and the coffee plantation, Reach Falls and Ms.Syd was so wonderful, really amazing, the care and service of home cooked meals from Paul and Mark and the ladies of Goblin Hill people loved it. Lynda your attention to details by creating memorable and lovely activities with enchanting accommodations made this much more than just an excellent bird trip but a true life experience." Paddy Cunningham Miami, Florida June 2014 What I felt most about Jamaica was the non-physical vibration that was all around me. Maybe because I was looking for it. Whether it was God, Jesus, Spirit, Nelson Mandela or Bob Marley, Energy existed and was everywhere. There was reverence in how people dressed for their church, in their varied forms of churches, on the murals on walls with images of their Beloveds, to how one greets a Rastafarian, and in the faces of our local guides with their fervor for the Island. Their love for Jamaica and its bounty touched me. Whether it was for the birds, the coffee, the food, or the land, Love and Energy were palpable. I was moved with the birds, the land, and the people. I am fond of saying that travels broadens the mind. This time I could say that it broadens the Soul as well. Its been quite some time since my Soul was so moved. Jody Levin New York, USA Paddy Cunningham Jamaica Tour June 2014

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