BLUE MOUNTAIN WEEKENDS, Birds, Hiking, Coffee & Flowers

Birder’s Bliss in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains

3 Nights / 4 Days

Bird Guide Extraordinare:  Lyndon Johnson

Cost:  $950.00 Per Person, Double Occupancy.


Jamaica is among the best island destinations in the world for birding. 307 birds have been recorded, including 127 breeding species and 180 migrants. 28 species are endemic, more than any other West Indian island. Fortunately for birders, most of Jamaica’s endemics can be found, in just a few days in the very cool and very beautiful Blue Mountains!

CBCuckooWithin an hour of leaving Kingston Airport you are climbing 4,000 feet to Hardwar Gap, the heart of the best birding in the Blue Mountains. Base camp for the next 3 nights will be Woodside, in the neighbourhood of Greenwich, and Hollywell National Park. Woodside sits on a 12-hectare coffee farm, the house is impeccable in its old-Jamaica feel and boasts spectacular views, including Newcastle, gardens, and a spring-fed pool. Superb birding and hiking trails are literally at your doorstep. 

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SUGGESTED  ITINERARY:                                                   Thursday: Day 1                          STRAWBERRY HILL WELCOME         Strawberry Hill Hotel, Spa and Garden, sits on a hilltop, at 3,000 ft, with 360 views. The garden features over 200 species of exotic plants, flowers and trees and an animated bird life.   Afternoon birding options include Strawberry Hill’s rich garden,  or Hollywell National Blue Mountain Park offering a variety of lovely hiking trails.

Friday: Day 2                          SMELL THE COFFEE                                                           Early morning, in the midst of mature montane forests where as much as 200 inches of rain per year supports luxurious and fascinating vegetation—highland trees such as the Blue Mahoe and a heavy growth of mosses, lichens, and bromeliads. Relish the dawn chorus of bird song, specially the haunting flute-like call of Rufous-throated Solitaire, symbiotic to the Blue Mountains. Look for high-elevation bird species – White-eyed Thrush, Greater Antillean Elaenia, Jamaican Becard, Blue Mountain Vireo, Jamaican Pewee, and the often-elusive Crested Quail-Dove.  Sample the best coffee in the world at The Old Tavern Blue Mountain Coffee Estate, a family business that operates from bean to cup, between sightings.


Saturday: Day 3                        HARWAR GAP         Find Jamaica’s most endangered species, the Jamaican Blackbird, known locally as Wild-pine Sergeant, because of its habit of foraging in Bromeliads (aka wild-pine) for insects.  Also look for mixed flocks of tanagers and warblers and listen for the noisy Jamaican Woodpecker.  Common to the Blue Mountains is the adorable Jamaican Tody, Arrowhead Warbler, Orangequits (a curious bird, the only member of the genus Euneornis), and Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo, the “old man bird.”  Also Sad Flycatcher, and Jamaican Euphonia, are some of the birds you might find in the garden.  Evenings, make an attempt for the Jamaican Owl.Jade vine









Sunday:  DAY 4                        JAMAICA FAREWELL                                                       The quarter mile drive into Woodside is one of the nicest Birding spots you will find in the Blue Mountains, enjoy the walk once more at day break. You can view a checklist from June 2014 on line at:  

Birding in Jamaica is enhanced by the outstanding beauty of many of the birds, the unique richness and variety of landscape, the culture, the food and pleasing tropical climate.

Recommended Bird Guide: Photographic Bird Guide to Jamaica – the new one, Ann Sutton, Audrey Downer and Robert Sutton.

WHERE YOU WILL BE SLEEPING:  422833_374807035874972_1030229159_n429288_374809572541385_1967145191_nIMG_3140the_living_room_a_woodside_brian_nejedly img_7874425588_374807072541635_26772352_n

WHAT YOU WILL BE EATING:                                                                                 Jamaica has a passion for food, cooking, and hospitality.  Meals are included, you will enjoy exceptional Jamaica home cooking served family style.


Most islands are generally too small or overdeveloped to sustain local agriculture and must rely on imported foods. In Jamaica eating ‘local’ and eating well, is a point of pride!  603632_740291505993188_725121810316842229_n




                                                                                                                                              Q & A                                                                                                                                  If we want to stay in Jamaica longer, can you help us extend our stay and perhaps bird in other regions of the island?  Absolutely.  Port Antonio, for instance, is a wonderful add-on, making it possible to bird the renowned Eccelsdown Trail.

My partner is not a birder, can she enjoy this weekend?  You bet!  We can help her plan other activities while you are birding.  There are several nearby Spa’s (Strawberry Hill and Serendipity) offering an array of treatments and Yoga.  Of course she may just enjoy having Woodside to herself, the house has got WiFi, a beautiful garden, Pool and peace and quiet in which to rest, write, read, or walk.

Strawberry Hill

Lyndon Johnson

Birder’s Bliss Weekend in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains Includes:

.  Transportation and 2 Full Days Birding with Bird Guide: Lyndon Johnson

.  3 Nights Accommodations – Blue Mountains, Greenwich, incl. Staff Gratuity.

.  All Meals,  3 Breakfasts, 3 Lunch, 3 Dinners.  Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions.  BYOB, and any special foods or snacks you might enjoy.

.  Strawberry Hill and The Old Tavern Blue Mountain Estate.

.   Airfare and Airport transfers are not included, however, shared rides from the airport may be possible depending on arrival / departure times of guests.

Cost: from $950.00 Double Occupancy                                                                           Single Supplement:  $300.00                                                                              

$150.00 Nonrefundable Deposit Due to Confirm Reservation.

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FOR MORE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS                                            LYNDALEE BURKS                                                                                                       876 / 357-1225                                                         


About the author

Lynda Lee Burks has lived in Jamaica most of her adult life. She supports her passion for living by the sea, by organizing tours of Jamaica, producing events – dub poets to destination weddings, and as artist and teacher.  

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