28 Sep


Living as I do in the green valleys of the Trelawny countryside, Falmouth is my closest grocery store – sending me often into the old seaport town when I’m hungry. Admittedly, the pickings are slim as far as grocers go, but food wise Falmouth offers some lovely treats.

20 Aug

Cinchona Botanic Garden in Jamaica's Blue Mountains

The Blue Mountains are full of sensational stories as well as stunning scenery, but it’s the quiet you’ll savour – pure audible peace. And if there is a cool spot anywhere on the island right now – mid August 2014, it’s Jamaica’s Blue Mountains.

27 Jul

Food, Glorious Food - 1! From the Ridiculous to the Sublime...

If you enjoy eating well and your idea of adventure starts with a knife and fork, Jamaica is your island. Don your baggy trousers, slip on your roomy mumu and come to Jamaica prepared to eat! Here are a couple of easy suggestions and reasons why I think they are great. Start with Jerk cuisine and Scotchies – everyone’s favorite.

03 Jul

Birds Sing Sweetly for Paddy Cunningham Birding Adventurers

This tour was a wild card and I was looking forward to playing it. The Birding Tour Operator I worked with did not know me and I did not know her. We met by me making a cold call to Paddy Cunningham Birding Adventures, based in Miami – asking Paddy if she might be interested in following on the heels of a terrific New York City Audubon trip I’d just produced. Paddy, bless her, took a leap and successfully gathered 7 wonderful birdwatchers, from random places in the United States, many of whom had traveled with her before.

About the author

Lynda Lee Burks has lived in Jamaica most of her adult life. She supports her passion for living by the sea, by organizing tours of Jamaica, producing events – dub poets to destination weddings, and as artist and teacher.  

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